Road Network in Jagdalpur
Road network in and around Jagdalpur can be seen from the road network map of the area.Road is the only available good mode of transport in Jagdalpur, because of the unavailability of air transport. Luxury and Ordinary bus services are available from Jagdalpur Bus Terminus to major cities like Bilaspur, Amravati, Hyderabad, Raipur, Nagpur, Vishakapatnam, Vizianagaram, Vijayawada etc. There are buses for Raipur and Bilaspur after every 15 minutes. Jagdalpur is connected by the major town and cities of India through roadways. NH 30 , NH 221 and NH 16 passes through Jagdalpur and connects it to major cities of India.
NH30 connects Jagdalpur to Raipur which is later connected by NH6 and thereafter connecting Jagdalpur to Nagpur and Kolkata. NH43 which passes through Jagdalpur connects it to Natavalasa in Andhra Pradesh and Raipur in Chhattisgarh. NH221 connects Jagdalpur to Vijayawada which is further connected to NH9 and hence connects Jagdalpur to Hyderabad and Pune. NH 16 tracking from Jagdalpur is connected to Bhopal and Patna which further leads to Warangal and Hyderabad through NH202. Though NH16 seems to connect Jagdalpur to major cities of India but this connectivity is broken due to the missing bridges. Similarly the connectivity of Jagdalpur with Warangal and Hyderabad through NH202 is broken because of the damaged bridge in the route.
Railways in Jagdalpur
Jagdalpur is not so well connected through railways. Jagdalpur railway station is a grade B railway station. Jagdalpur and its neighbouring area have very few or no rail lines. There are trains from Jagdalpur to Visakhapatnam, Kirandul, Bhubaneswar, Durg, Titilagarh, Mahasamund, Raipur, Koraput and Howrah. Railway line that connects Bailadila to Visakhapatnam via Jagdalpur is used for evacuation of iron ore by National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC).Though jagdalpur is connected with Raipur through railways, but the time taken by train is much longer as compared to by roadways. It takes around 15-16 hrs through train to reach Raipur from Jagdalpur, but only 6 hrs through roadways. Some recent activities in the railways that are undergoing or are in progress are Dalli Rajhara-Jagdalpur Rail Line to fulfill the transport, trade and industries of the region, Rail link between Raipur-Dhamtari BG line up to Jagdalpur, Linking Bhanupratappur with Dalli Rajhara-Rawghat and Doubling of Kirandul - Jagdalpur Rail Line.